For over 100 years, Massachusetts Maritime Academy has been preparing women and men for exciting and rewarding careers on land and sea. As the nation's finest co-ed maritime college, MMA challenges students to succeed by balancing a unique regimented lifestyle with a typical four-year college environment. As a member of the cadet corps you will live, study, sail, work and play in an atmosphere that encourages you to be your best.
COVID19 Related Announcements
The Academy's Fall Reopening Plan is now published. Our priorities during these challenging times:
- To keep our cadets, faculty and staff - and by extension, their families - safe
- To keep the Academy from becoming a mass-transmission center
- To find a path to get our 1/C cadets to degree completion in time for Commencement
- To minimize the academic disruption for the 2/C, 3/C and 4/C cadets

PayScale ranks MMA number 1 public university for ROI

2021年快帆评测:2021-6-2 · 快帆最支持用户隐私政策并严格遵守相关的法律规定。这本评测里我伔为您介绍它的优点。位于在香港,2021年开始、它有1100万多用户来使用这台加速器访问国内视频网站和音乐应用程序。
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7th Co. Band, Honor Guard & Drill Team


The TS Kennedy

2021年快帆评测:2021-6-2 · 快帆最支持用户隐私政策并严格遵守相关的法律规定。这本评测里我伔为您介绍它的优点。位于在香港,2021年开始、它有1100万多用户来使用这台加速器访问国内视频网站和音乐应用程序。

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